Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture
Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture
What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Many small needles are inserted on different areas of your face and as the needles puncture the skin, they create very small "wounds", which are called positive microtraumas. When your body senses these wounds, it goes into repair mode, stimulating your lymphatic and circulatory systems as well as your qi (energy), which work together to deliver nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells. This helps even out your complexion and promotes the production of collagen. It helps to improve elasticity, and minimizes fine lines and wrinkles.
What is the process?
Facial Acupuncture off may enhance your appearance by eliminating fine lines and minimizing dark circles, puffy eyes, and sagging jaw lines. If you have had botox, it can prolong the efficacy of the treatment, perhaps resulting in fewer injections.
A course of treatments is typically 10-12 fifty-five minute long sessions and, for optimal results, treatments should be administered 1-3 times a week. Visible results will be noticeable after the 6th or 7th session and results will vary depending on age and lifestyle. A maintenance 'top up' may be needed every month or so.
The treatment is very relaxing and grounding and like most acupuncture treatments, calms your sympathetic nervous system.
Note: Facial Acupuncture on its own is not covered by Extended Health Insurance as a health treatment. So all Facial Acupuncture treatments must include a TCM assessment and body and/or ear needles in order to be covered by your extended health insurance (EHI) company and to comply with CTCMA Regulations . You can claim up to $95 (100% coverage) with your EHI company and a $25 surcharge will apply to cover the costs of facial needles that will not be covered by extended health.